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We stand for the people who need love and care Welcome to Amala fellowship - The holy land of all poor patients See our Activity  
What we do

We Care Cancer Patients

when someone has cancer everyone who loves them does too.

Living with cancer can be one of life’s greatest challenges. We Care Cancer Support Inc. offers confidentiality, understanding, and compassion to those with Cancer and will meet the challenge together as no one should face Cancer alone.

We Care Oldage Patients

Life long we take care them, to their last breath.

We shall together discover the joy of service to humanity. elderly people need care and comfort to lead a healthy life without worries and anxiety. Lack of awareness regarding the changing behavioral patterns in elderly people at home leads to abuse of them by their kin.

We care Kidney failure patients

We are here to take care those who are affected by kidney failure

We are here for taking care of the people who are affected by kidney failure also Life long we take care them, to their last breath,

Amala Bhavan

A home for the poor and destitutes

From our several years of experience in dealing with old age parents, patients and their families, we understand that, the parents’/ patients’ need, at the far end of their life, some sort of palliative care to relieve them from the symptoms of acute pain, physical and mental stress. In almost all cases, their families are unable to provide any kind of support to the patients. Therefore, the Society has decided to set up a Pain and Palliative Care Home to provide complete free treatment to the eligible aged parents/ patients till their last breath.

The main objective of this Project is to transform the wretched last days of the poor/aged parents/ cancer/kidney patients in to a lively one and to take away or lessen the burden from the weak shoulders of his/her family and relatives

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